PACT Act - Outdated VA Schedule of Rating Disabilities

PACT Act - Outdated VA Schedule of Rating Disabilities

Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester and colleagues are urging VA Secretary Denis McDonough to expedite the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD). Regulations specifically for toxic-exposed Veterans with constrictive bronchiolitis and hypertension. These two service-connected conditions were added to VA’s presumptive list under the PACT Act. But because of the out dated VASRD these conditions are being denied or rated at 0%. 

“Toxic-exposed veterans have waited decades to receive the benefits and recognition the PACT Act provides and we appreciate VA’s efforts to implement the largest expansion of VA health care and benefits in decades,” the Senators wrote in a letter to VA Secretary McDonough. “While more than 720,000 veterans and survivors have received PACT Act benefits, there are too many whose PACT Act claims have been wrongfully denied or underrated. Particularly concerning is outdated and insufficient VASRD diagnostic codes used to rate claims for constrictive bronchiolitis.”

Read full article here.

**The information contained in this post is not updated after the date initially posted.  For the most up-to-date information, please check VA’s website.**

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