February 29, 2024
Bergmann & Moore Wins 17-Year Long Appeal for Veteran

Earlier this month, Bergmann & Moore won a case at the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA), which resulted in more than 12 years of retroactive benefits for the Veteran.
The appeal for entitlement to Total Disability Based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) was pending at VA for nearly 17 years. After more than 11 years of fighting VA alone, the Veteran hired Bergmann & Moore.
Despite BVA issuing three more denials of the Veteran’s claim for TDIU, Bergmann & Moore prevailed each time at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC), resulting in the case returning to BVA for a new decision. The case was recently granted in full due to the supporting evidence and argument Bergmann & Moore provided on behalf of the Veteran.
This grant resulted in more than $200,000 in retroactive benefits for the Veteran.
Are you interested in filing an initial claim? Find out more.
Do you want to check the status of your initial claim or appeal? Sign in to your VA.gov account.
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Learn more about Bergmann & Moore and our services for Veterans and their family members.

One of the largest law firms in the country practicing solely in the area of Veterans’ benefits. Managed by former VA attorneys. We know the journey and can get you through.
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